An easy bake sale recipe item that I made this week are called S’mores bites.
There is no baking involved and the whole process only took about 15 minutes.
The recipe is simple.
Ingredients: Graham Cracker Crumbs, Marshmallows, Chocolate

I bought already made crumbs to make it easier, but you can crush graham crackers if you already have them in the house.
Lay your crumbs and chocolate out on plates that you will use for dipping.
Just take any kind of chocolate, I used Hershey milk chocolate baking pieces and melted them in the microwave on a plate so it would make it easier to dip my marshmallows in.
Then roll your marshmallow in the chocolate. You can cover all of it if you use a skewer, or just the sides. I decided to do three sides and leave the bottom open (so you can see that there is a marshmallow inside).
Then after your marshmallow is coated in chocolate get ride of any excess and roll it again in the graham cracker crumbs. This reminded me of breading something in breadcrumbs. Then you can place your smores on wax paper to dry. They can stay at room temperature. But once they are dry (about 30 minutes to an hour) definitely put them under some plastic wrap so the marshmallows do not harden or dry out. You can package them in plastic baggies or I put all mine in one large zip lock bag. This will make the amount of marshmallows that you have in your bag (I counted between 40-50).
Total cost to make the bite sized S’mores:
- Graham Cracker Crumbs $2.50
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Pieces $2.79
- Marshmallows $1.25
Total Cost is $6.54
If you used the extra large jumbo marshmallows, I feel you can easily get away with selling these individually for $1.00, especially if you put them on skewers to look more reminiscent of the camp fire experience. Regular sized marshmellows I would group them in sets of 2 or 3, or just ask around $0.50 cents each.They are around the size of a cake pop.They don’t have that gooey melting experience that you have with regular s’mores, but the taste is nice, the graham crackers give them a nice crunch to balance out the softness of the marshmallow center. These would be even better with homemade marshmallows, if you feel like going to the trouble of making them. You could also top them with toasted coconut and chocolate for a different variety.
The reviews I had from eaters was positive and some came back for more. I easily sold my entire batch.