A creative idea for an upsell at a bake sale is selling a bakers homemade recipe along with the treat. Hand out recipe cards to cooks to fill out with their own special recipes of dishes they are going to prepare for the event and along with buying the pre-made sweet a patron could also […]
Sell Recipe Cards at Bake Sales
Free adventure journal Template
This is a free template for a 4×6 recipe card in Microsoft Word document format. You can type information directly onto the card and then print onto 4×6 photo paper or blank index card stock. If you would prefer to write out your instructions, then just print them blank. Set printer to “borderless” so you […]
Recipe Card Template
When holding any event where food will be sold, there is always the concern of food allergies. An idea I had recently to combat this and also raise more money at a bake sale was to have the bakers include recipes with the items that they baked. Then if patrons are interested in buying the […]
Free Printable Recipe Card
I was inspired by carrot cake to create this free printable recipe card. This will go great in an orange kitchen. Do you have Rachel Ray cookware or accessories, or do you just like the color orange? The recipe card has plenty of space for those with big handwriting to fit your ingredients and recipe […]